Quanta Core

A Trusted Name In Scrap Exportation


Who We Are?

Quanta Core is a leading global exporter of recyclable scrap materials, specializing in Waste Baled Tires, Tire Shreds, Rubber Crumb, Baled Cardboards (OCC), and Waste Metals. Our headquarters is based in Arizona, USA, with operations span across the United States, Central America and Europe.

We are fully committed to environmental stewardship, in light of the alarming projection that the global waste will reach 3,400 million tonnes annually by 2050, as estimated by the World Bank. These wastes will composed of Food & Green (44%), Paper & Cardboards (17%), Metal (4%), Rubber Tires & Leather (2%), Plastics (12%), and other materials (21%).

Our Associates

We are proud associates of Interlink Marketing (Europe) Limited, a trusted name within waste exportation with a remarkable 15-plus-years history of global success which enriches Quanta Core immensely with valuable experience and expertise.

Together, we uphold our shared values of integrity, quality, and customer satisfaction.

When you choose Quanta Core, you’re selecting a company rooted in trust and reliability.

Our Products


Card Board

